Shambhala Training Level II: Birth of the Warrior
with Lauren Newton
Shambhala Training is a secular path of spiritual training that develops fearlessness, confidence, openness, and gentle action in the world. This action arises out of meditation practice and the study of Shambhala Warriorship.
Meditation practice allows us to observe how we create a cocoon of habits to mask our fear. We begin to appreciate that there is no fundamental obstacle to experiencing basic goodness. This second weekend of Shambhala Training intensifies the discipline of meditation practice, enabling participants to work with obstacles that may have arisen as meditation practice develops. We also explore how habitual ways of thinking and experiencing obscure the raw brilliance of the world we live in and our own genuineness and tenderness. Finally, we learn how to work with the fear that occurs when we move forward out of these habitual patterns.
Prerequisite - Shambhala Training Level I
If you have any questions, please contact Sonya Feher.
Pricing & Generosity Policy
Please pre-register online so that we can properly prepare for amounts of food, staff, materials, etc. Payment is not required at the time of pre-registration. If price is an obstacle for you, please inquire about our Generosity Policy.